Overview of Jeeps New Engine Options // Extreme Terrain

Jeep hasn’t offered multiple engine options for the Wrangler since the TJ so to celebrate, ExtremeTerrain’s Ryan Huck recently produced this Throttle Out episode comparing off-road prowess of the new 2.0L Turbo 4-cylinder to the V6 in bone-stock, unmodified form.

PAOLI, Pa. (DEC27th, 2018) –ExtremeTerrain’s (XT) Ryan Huck orchestrated a camera crew and twobone-stockJL Wranglers during a trip to Rausch Creek Off-road park to create this Throttle Out episode comparing the new 2.0L Turbo 4-cylinder Wrangler against a 3.6L V6 JL. The purpose of their mission was to take both JL’s on the trail to see if one engine performed better than the other off-road. In this video, Ryan demonstrates the off-road prowess of both configurations, while hitting a few different types of obstacles toshow how each performs at different RPM’s. As a seasoned, technical wheeler, Ryan fights off his natural instincts, putting the throttle down on both JL’s, to provide evidence for his comparison. Even with the difference in power output and powerband, both configurations were more than capable of handling the snow-coveredtrailand were evenly matched in their native off-road environments.


In this episode of Throttle Out, using Rausch Creek Off-road Park as his proving ground, Ryan demonstrates the differences between configurations to determine if one performs better to the other on the trail.

Get more info and watch it here: https://www.extremeterrain.com/throttle-out-dec2018-3.html